Writing an Alzheimer’s caregiver memoir is not only a story of a biography. But it narrates about every little moment of a person to cherish these real-life memories. However, it is a kind of ailment that is very widespread in the world and can happen to anybody in the world. So, no one is exceptional from it. Those people are lucky who are healthy and spending their old age life without any pains and difficulties. Therefore, they are free to escape from this harmful disease that can make them completely dependent on others. So, they become useless and worthless in life and need the support of people for everything.
However, the huge problem is that patients lose their total consciousness after becoming a victim of this disease. So, their mental functions start to diminish and make them forgetful for the rest of their life. Hence, it is a very painful moment for their families when they experience a strange behavior of their loved ones in the house. Therefore, when things go out of control, they take these patients to a specialist for an overall checkup. It involves the entire examination of a body that covers the brain and its operations. Thus, the value of a brain is very high in the entire physical structure of a human being. It is because this part of the body has the core authority over all the sensory activities.
Here are some valuable tips to write an Alzheimer chronicle journal of a patient:
Reminisce the Memories
It is really tough to write about the life events and experiences of these patients. So, the author has to be clear about his purpose of intentions. Therefore, they must recall all the recurring incidents in their minds to set them in a sequential order. However, the common idea is that they must begin everything from the very start.
Thus, writers must also remember the exact date and time of the incident to make it feel authentic to readers. Hence, readers might lose their interest in these biographies and do not find them worthwhile to read. Consequently, very few people can stick it to the last page of the end to get to know the entire story. They can take the sad impression on their heart and soul to feel the patience in themselves.
Create a Diary of Events
Authors can break down their story of narration into short diary of events. However, they must do this to grab the attention of their readers and sustain it till the end. Therefore, it allows them to be at ease and comfort to write a diary every day. Actually, writers can record the date and time of event that they can recall and remember well.
So, it can take them less time to compose a diary and write a journal regularly. Hence, they must keep it date wise and in the straight chronological order. It means that they can begin with the first one and take it to the last one. Nevertheless, they can also keep it in the reverse order as well to start with the newest and finish on the oldest record of memories of them with their patient.
Know The Purpose
Writers must keep their objectives clear. So, they must have a clarity of purpose in their minds to execute it properly. However, their intentions should be positive to educate their target audience. Hence, they must provide them the depth of knowledge and information to broaden their minds and widens their horizons.
Another aspect of the writer could be to share his inside emotions and sentiments to the readers. Thus, they can find relief and feel lighter of the burden that they curb deep down in their hearts and souls. Amazingly, Alzheimer patients can also disclose and reveal their journey of events to find the recovery from their disease. However, it can be a sheer sense of miracle for these patients to survive and come out from the intensity of their ailment.
Determine the Right Audience
The choice of the right audience is very essential for authors. Especially, when it comes to narrating about an Alzheimer patient. However, they must select their preferred customers to address them the whole story. Therefore, these can be caregivers themselves or a wider public audience in general.
Hence, this disease has a broader scope and tendency in the world so the information must be spread globally. It can reach to everyone suffering from the same condition to find the treatment and remedy for it. Thus, the language and tone can obviously differ and vary in terms of the audience to which the message has to be delivered.
Describe Every Stage of Process
Writers must showcase the view of originality in their story. So, they must tell all the factual truths to their readers and do not put them in darkness. However, their narration must provide the information of every stage of the progress of the patient. Therefore, it can show the incline or decline depending on the condition of the person. Thus, people must evaluate their diagnosis earlier to begin with the treatment.
Bottom Line
All in all, these above-mentioned are notable points to create an Alzheimer’s caregiver memoir of a patient. So, it is not a patient himself that has to suffer from the pain. But the whole family has to go through the same situation. However, their life becomes very miserable to be with a forgetful person all the time. Therefore, they learn to adjust their routines according to the schedule of the patient and become habitual of it.
But oftentimes, the condition of the patient worsens and deteriorate seriously. So, that moment is very disturbing for the whole family to suffer from it. They have to live in a chaotic situation where there is a lot of confusion and no means of peace and satisfaction in a house. When they are unable to manage the patient, they admit their loved ones in a hospital for a proper treatment. Their condition tends to improve after the regular use of medications and time for rest.